Beginners Beekeepers Course

Are you interested in keeping bees or just learning more about the art of beekeeping?
If yes, join Wedmore & Cheddar Beekeepers on our immersive 5 week beginner’s Beekeeping Course at Cross Memorial Hall commencing Tuesday 4th March 2025. Upon completion of the five theory sessions there will be an opportunity to join a practical session (included in the cost) in Mid April, bee suits will be made available.
The sessions will be run Tuesday evenings, 4th March to 1st April inclusive commencing 7:00pm at Cross Memorial Hall, Webbington Road, Cross, Axbridge. BS26 2EL.

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Weston Hospicecare’s Men’s March

This February, Weston Hospicecare’s Men’s March will see hundreds of supporters embark on the scenic 10-mile charity walk for Weston Hospicecare.
Starting at the Grand Pier, you’ll follow the stunning coastline taking you past Birnbeck Pier, through Weston Woods and on to Sand Point before reversing the route back to the Grand Pier for a pint and a pasty whilst enjoying the Six-Nations on the big screen with your fellows walkers.
So prepare those walking boots, round up your mates and step up for Weston Hospicecare.
Visit to register.

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Isle of Wedmore Society

The Isle of Wedmore Society January meeting will take place on Thursday 23 January at 7.30pm in the Wedmore Masonic Hall.  Our speaker will be our Chair, the well known local historian, Hazel Hudson, who will give a talk on Wedmore’s historic buildings.  The Annual General Meeting will take place after the talk.  Members free, visitors £5 with free tea/coffee afterwards.

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“Music Matters” – Singing for Fun and Community – Axbridge

Music Matters” – Singing for Fun and Community – Axbridge. Celebrate the voice YOU have and join us for an afternoon of song. Open to those living with Dementia, Parkinson’s, other brain atrophy, or those feeling isolated. Come along with your partner/carer – you are ALL VERY WELCOME. Enjoy a drink, a biscuit and chat with others before singing starts.
Meet alternate Tuesdays, Axbridge Town Hall. Times 2:15pm – 3:45pm. £2 donation welcomed. Next sessions: January 14th & 28th.

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Cheddar Arts @ King’s Theatre

Cheddar Arts’ spring season begins on Friday 10th January with The Miracle Club starring Maggie Smith, Kathy Bates and Laura Linney.

The chance to see Maggie Smith “steal the show” in her last film. Three close friends who have never left the outskirts of Dublin (much less Ireland) make the journey of a lifetime — a visit to Lourdes, the French town and place of miracles.

Tickets are available online at

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‘The Bereavement Journey’ Course

‘The Bereavement Journey’ course runs weekly for 7 weeks, starting on Wednesday 15th January from 2:00pm – 4:15pm at Christchurch, Clevedon, BS21 7LL.
By means of films and discussion groups, this course gently guides bereaved people through the most common aspects of grief, enabling them to process the implications for themselves and discern next steps. To join, please sign up via the Christchurch website.

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